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Ariana Grande Robe de cocktail rose mignonne Irving Plaza Performance

Ariana Grande Robe de cocktail rose mignonne Irving Plaza Performance
UGS: TCD2246

Prix normal 262,99 €

Prix Spécial: 109,19 €

Charte de couleurs

Tableau des tailles-Important

Ex: faire la robe sans le train

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Description du produit


Ariana Grande perfomance à Irving Plaza à New York. Elle a l'air magnifique dans cette mini robe de cocktail de fête! La robe a des paillettes décorées sur le corsage supérieur et un noeud à l'arrière qui rendent la robe plus délicate et adorable

Information additionnelle

Information additionnelle

an 2014
Couleur Rose
Tissus Paillettes, Satin
Silhouette Une ligne
Encolure Amoureux, Sans bretelles
Ourlet / Train Court/Mini
Embellissement Paillettes
Manches Sans manches
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5 reviews

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268 09 2012 04:28
Exactly what I was looking for!
I was so excited when I found this website and this dress! i ordered it right away! I changed the color a bit, where the skirt and bow are pink, but the bodice is red with red sequins. I would suggest ordering it "custom size" because I got a size two and it was small in some areas and larger in other areas so I had to get it altered. But it's absolutely gorgeous and very quality. If you would like to see a picture of the actual dress, email me at jil.tho1@gmail.com with the title "Ariana dress pictures" so I can find the email easily. Definitely buying my prom dress as well from this site!

Also, I received the dress two days after they shipped it! Incredible! And although I kept asking when my dress would be done, they were very helpful about answering all my questions.
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81 03 2012 23:09
i love the dress its fabulous i hope i can get one x x
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29 01 2013 18:19
The dress came out GORGEOUS! Although the sequins are slightly darker the dress is amazingly similar!!
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73 03 2014 02:06
This dress came out gorgeous! It was well priced and the dress is very nicely made! I reccomend it to any Ariana Grande fan! It is must have dress!
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220 08 2012 22:56
saving up for this dress absouletely love it
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