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Chic Lavande Bretelles Spaghetti Cocktail Robes De Soirée De Retour

Chic Lavande Bretelles Spaghetti Cocktail Robes De Soirée De Retour

Prix normal 145,59 €

Prix Spécial: 72,79 €

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Description du produit


Achetez la robe courte en mousseline de soie lavande inspirée de Taylor pour votre robe de bal, de cocktail ou de soirée. Décolleté en cœur avec bretelles spaghetti sexy. C'est une petite mini jupe mignonne avec un décolleté en cœur. Le design chic du corsage décrit si bien sa courbe. Un bon choix de robe de soirée, robe de cocktail, robe de soirée, etc.

Information additionnelle

Information additionnelle

an 2022
Couleur Lavande
Tissus Mousseline de soie, Mousseline de Soie
Silhouette Une ligne
Encolure Amoureux, Sans bretelles
Ourlet / Train Court/Mini
Embellissement Volants
Manches Sans manches
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Note moyenne:
4 reviews

little bit tight

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221 08 2025 06:00
  • Ottawa, ON
  • 20
  • 6
Ver impressed
I ordered it for a friend, so don’t recall seeing it myself. I do have a picture of her in it. Stunning. It was a bit tight but there was enough fabric to have it adjusted by a local seamstress. Excellent replica of. TS dress! This friend even wore it to a concert. See picture.
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323 11 2012 00:15
I absolutely love this dress! it would be great if you could send me an email: laura@gravengaard.dk :) Thanks
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200 07 2012 05:18
So many compliments!
I wore this dress to a friend's wedding and received many compliments! Sizing is correct, and the color is as shown (I purchased it in the lavender). The bodice of the dress truly accepts your top and makes you look smaller. I was a bit concerned about the dress arriving on time, as I wore it to a prom as well, but it came in a few days ahead of time. It was a few days late and customer service wasn't of much help in tracking my order but, it was worth it to look feel great in a beautiful dress.
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81 03 2014 02:11
Well, I adored this dress when I saw it online. I bought it in a size 0, and I got it within 2 weeks or so, well before I needed it. That's good because I didn't really end up liking it and had to shop for something else. The pictures don't show the left side of the dress; the fabric in the front swoops over, so it made my hips look bigger than they are :/ But the actual fit of the bodice was amazing! It made me look so thin! I cut the swooping fabric and had it fixed to look like it was just flowing downward normally, and after that it was great :)
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